Friday, 29 April 2016

Nigeria is the worst place to get depressed in!

Welcome to a country where people think see depression as a spiritual problem and depressed people as people who don't have better things to do with their time. I like the fact that we joke a lot in this country because life isn't too serious after all but we should draw a line somewhere.We woke up to Teebillz"s suicidal posts on instagram yesterday. At first, we thought his instagram account was hacked but it was later revealed that he almost committed suicide yesterday. Reading comments on Linda Ikeji's blog, i couldn't help but think how ignorant we are in this country about things as serious as depression. People called him all sorts of name and even begged him to commit suicide. But why?.

Do you really think people enjoy being depressed?. The answer is NO. No one loves feeling that way. Believe me, its a shitty feeling. I have a friend who is battling depression. People often misunderstand her. I misunderstand her sometimes. yes, i am guilty too!. people make fun of her without even knowing how many times she has cried behind closed doors, without knowing how many times she has tried to give up on life. people often make rude comments like "is it not that one that acts like a psycho". She is not a psycho, she is just depressed and you are worsening her condition with your harsh comments.

SUICIDE DOESN'T KILL PEOPLE, SADNESS DOES..Depression can happen to anyone. I have battled serious depression in my past...It has happened to the strongest people i know. It can happen to you!..I think we should drop the clonwy attitude and be human for once. Try to understand what the person beside you is going through before you run to judgment. life is difficult mehn but we can scale through with the support and help of each other. Whatever happened to being our brother's keeper, huh?